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9th Biennial Meeting

The next IDARS 2024 meeting will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on from April 29th to May 3rd, 2024. For more information, click here.


Advances in Drug & Alcohol Research, official journal of the International Drug & Alcohol Research Society (IDARS) and the International Narcotics Research Conference (INRC)

ADAR’s mission is to utilize INRC's and IDARS’ multidisciplinary expertise, technological advancements and translational tools to enhance collaboration of scientists around the world not only to improve drug and alcohol abuse therapeutics, but to seek diverse cell, gene and proteomic, neuro-immuno-microbiome targets to treat drug addiction.

An outstanding Editorial Board of international researchers supports the Editor-in-Chief Emmanuel Onaivi, a Professor at William Paterson University in New Jersey USA. This multidisciplinary Open Access journal welcomes and will publish original manuscripts, commentaries, reviews on all drugs of abuse using diverse in-vitro and in-vivo molecular, cellular and systems biological approaches in pre-clinical models and clinical studies. Special issues and section editors will be dedicated to highlight key areas of psychostimulant, opiates, alcohol, cannabis and cannabinoids, hallucinogens, and psychiatric co-morbidities. 

For information on how to submit your work to ADAR, please read here. Articles and information on ADAR will also be posted on the @FrontPartners Twitter feed

To get in touch with the Editorial Office, or to inquire as to how to get involved as an author, reviewer, or editor, please send a note to:

Last News and Articles

Volume 2, Number 3
Emmanuel S. Onaivi Fall 2023

Dear Colleagues, I am thrilled to
share with you highlights of the continued
progress of IDARS, from our successful in
person IDARS meeting in 2022, in Nice,
France with members from across the globe.
As always, this IDARS meeting enhanced
scientific exchanges and the development of
collaborative opportunities for IDARS
members, and exemplified our role as an
international organization for new strategies
in addressing the global problem of drug
and alcohol use. 

Volume 2, Number 2
Emmanuel S. Onaivi Spring 2022

Our Executive officer Syed Ali has retired from NCTR/FDA, and has continued his research at the Center for Integrative Nanotechnology Science at the University of Arkansas in Little Rock, AR. He started the Neurolab International as Founder/ President and CEO. Read more..

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